We all have one—the drawer we just toss everything into so we will know exactly where we placed our random treasures when we need them most. Hid away in the corners of my junk drawer is every beautiful picture not exactly right for any of my other sexy havens, pictures still representing the unique beauty of the female form. So remember, when you can’t find what you’re looking for in the obvious places, check my junk drawer—I’m sure you’ll always find what you’re looking for among my unorganized, sexy clutter.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

If She Wasn't Wearing Sunglasses, Would You Even Look At Her Eyes? ;)

I know this is a cliché comment but seriously, would you? I mean, wow! But I happen to know this gal has gorgeous eyes too, long lashes and a bright twinkle. And I know it's a constant debate among women and men, why do women dress like that if they don't want to be looked at? I think I agree with both sides a little. A woman should be able to dress how she wants, and guys should be able to look at them all they want when they dress like this, but it just comes down to how the woman treats the eyes upon her. Sometimes, the guys are just creepy and sometimes the attention is wanted. It's up to the ladies to handle both types of attention and it's up to guys to not be the creepy guys that make them uncomfortable.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #11: A Tag Bonanza (18 Photos)

*I keep getting flagged for this post, for what reason, I'm not sure because it's really not different than any of my other posts, so I've deleted all of the pics except one. I could just delete it, but then #11 would be missing and then that would bother me, so for this I apologize.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #10: A Tag Bonanza (47 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

She Is Just Pure Sexy And So Naturally Beautiful

Now this gorgeous creature...Natalie Lee...probably better known as Nata Lee, gave me a few weeks of pure torture! Heehee...but in a good way, because someone slipped her name to me, I found myself searchin' for pics of her everyday. She's just so perfect...a gorgeous face, a spectacular body, and she loves to show it off. This is why I try to not learn the names of the women I post because I get a little obsessive and it takes away from my other time for these blogs and stuff and my social sites. I'll probably end up goin' back to searchin' for her one day, but right now I think my hunger is satisfied. I hope...

Thursday, September 16, 2021

She Doesn't Care About Ruining Her Shirt...Only Pleasing You...

I love playin' both roles...being the pleaser and being pleased. It all depends on your partner. Sometimes, the only way someone gets enjoyment out of sex is when they provide the other person with all of their attention, listening to their commands, and actin' as such. I've been the subordinate a few times, not a real subordinate, but just a person who gets bossed around in bed and let me tell ya, it's hot! Especially when the other person does a good job of lettin' you know that you're a good girl...or a bad girl? I guess it depends on the person, huh?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

How Would You Like To Stand Next To Her?

Here's some more erotic poetry:

“Aubade” by Amy Lowell
As I would free the white almond from the green husk
So I would strip your trappings off,
And fingering the smooth and polished kernel
I should see that in my hands glittered a gem beyond counting.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

People Give Me Headaches

Here's some more erotic poetry:

“Love Sonnet XI” by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

*I had to look up "Quitratue" too!