We all have one—the drawer we just toss everything into so we will know exactly where we placed our random treasures when we need them most. Hid away in the corners of my junk drawer is every beautiful picture not exactly right for any of my other sexy havens, pictures still representing the unique beauty of the female form. So remember, when you can’t find what you’re looking for in the obvious places, check my junk drawer—I’m sure you’ll always find what you’re looking for among my unorganized, sexy clutter.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

She Loves Her New Necklace

I know a lot of people love to get jewelry as gifts, but I've never been that sort of person. I mean, I appreciate it when anyone gets me somethin' or takes the time to do somethin' special for me, but I don't like all the prescribed or “made to” dates or holidays that our society has created to buy people things, you know? It's more special to me when people just out of the blue get me something or do somethin' for me.  I accept gifts when they are given and I always express my thanks, but just spendin' time with me is enough of a gift. I value my time so when I give it to people, I feel like I'm givin' them something too.

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