We all have one—the drawer we just toss everything into so we will know exactly where we placed our random treasures when we need them most. Hid away in the corners of my junk drawer is every beautiful picture not exactly right for any of my other sexy havens, pictures still representing the unique beauty of the female form. So remember, when you can’t find what you’re looking for in the obvious places, check my junk drawer—I’m sure you’ll always find what you’re looking for among my unorganized, sexy clutter.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

She's On To Your Games

Playin' games in relationships is actually sort of fun, at least when both parties know you're playin' games, you know...like flirtin'. But real people, people who see the other person catchin' the feels needs to be adult enough to stop playin' the games and just step up, you know? I haven't really ever met someone who could hurt me, maybe because I just don't have those types of feelings for people, but I've played with a few people who started to get really close to me and I just had to be straight with them and let them know that I'm here to love everyone and as many people as I can, so commitment is just not something you'll get from me...I'm just too easily interested in others. Most people in my life understand me and we get along swimmingly, but once and a while someone comes along that just doesn't understand the plain words coming out of my mouth and that's when things get messy. It's probably the main reason why I don't personally chat with my followers anymore, some of them became too possessive of me, and I'm just not that type of person. I have too much love in me.

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