We all have one—the drawer we just toss everything into so we will know exactly where we placed our random treasures when we need them most. Hid away in the corners of my junk drawer is every beautiful picture not exactly right for any of my other sexy havens, pictures still representing the unique beauty of the female form. So remember, when you can’t find what you’re looking for in the obvious places, check my junk drawer—I’m sure you’ll always find what you’re looking for among my unorganized, sexy clutter.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #4: A Tag Bonanza (43 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

I Bet Her Water Tastes Amazing On A Hot Day

It must work work, right? Advertisers using models, athletes, and celebrities to pimp their products is as old as business, I think. I just don't get it. I mean, this model is gorgeous, but she doesn't make me want to buy the product or anything. I guess this type of advertising works because when you're in the store and you see the product you must remember the model, athlete, or celebrity and then make an impulse buy, but this has never ever happened to me. I like to shop, don't get me wrong, but I don't really buy things I don't need, I can't afford it, and I rarely try things for the first time by buying it. I try things for the first time usually because someone already has it and lets me try it or it's at a party or something for free. Now if they were selling this model, I'd definitely try her...but that would be illegal! Heehee...

Stamps Of Approval #32 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #3: A Tag Bonanza (34 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

You Have String Cheese? I'm In.

I don't know why this post made me think of string cheese...probably because of her white dress and what I'd like to do to it, pull it off one side first and then the other. And she looks down for it, don't she? And if I'm just imagining it, that's okay, imagining things is what I do best. So right now, she's wearing a dress made of string cheese and I'm pinching and then pulling one layer after layer until the dress is no more and what I have left is the real prize, because she ain't no snack...she's a flippin' meal!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I Love It When They Love To Be Seen

Oh! Can you just imagine how her skin feels? So warm to the touch and smooth! So smooth! It's amazing how much skin is a turn on, but I don't think many people even consider skin or they don't even realize they are considering skin when they look at people they are attracted to at the time. And I think skin is more important for women to be attractive because I don't ever remember tellin' a guy how much I loved his skin, probably because I like a man with chest hair, and most men I've been with hadn't shaved their legs or arms or anywhere really except for the special place...now women, I seem to tell them this every time I'm intimate with one when I really love their skin. Attraction is so interesting!

Stamps Of Approval #31 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Should I Tell Her That Her Zipper's Down? Heehee

If this gorgeous sexy beauty has even the slightest of hips I'd be in love...just look at that radiant face! How can I talk about anything else other than her beauty? Usually posts give me something to think about other than just the woman featured in the pic I chose, but this girl only puts one thing on my mind and I can't mention that here! Heehee...but I bet you can imagine what I'm thinking because I know my followers have great imaginations too, because after all, imagination is what gets us through the dark, dreary, cold days of winter and the hot, steamy, and moist days of summer, right? And boy, Is my imagination runnin' wild with her...Good God Miss Molly! She's hot!

Tell Me Something Dirty #44